Demeter Workshop
“And so individuation can only take place if you first return to the body, to your earth, only then does it become true. ”
Carl Gustav Jung
These workshops explore The Hymn to Demeter by Homer through the Analysis of Dreams, Movement and Painting. Participants are invited to present dreams, archetypal motifs are explored drawing on Jungian psychology. Topics covered include the triple lunar goddess archetype of the Neolithic; the sacred in nature and the body; dreams as personal myth; myth as collective dreams; sacred space and sacred time; the relevance of Kore, Persephone, Demeter, Hecate and Baubo for the modern woman. We will move, dance and paint the images which emerge from the myth and from your dreams through bodywork, attention and breathing based on the Gabrielle Roth’s 5 Rhythms allowing participants to drop into the body and incorporate aspects suggested by the myth in their dance. The painting component of the workshop focuses the energy inspired by the myth and the movement onto paper in the form of images, marks colour, collage or words. This process allows participants to witness and dialogue with their own experience. The exploration of the Demeter myth can provide a conscious experience of going inwards as an essential part of a process of transformation. Please read the text beforehand so it can stimulate your imagination.
Our approach to the creative process evolves from the work of the BodySoul Rhythms team: Jungian Analyst, Marion Woodman, Movement and Voice Leaders Mary Hamilton and Ann Skinner.
Dariane Pictet is a Jungian Analyst (Zurich) and an Existential Psychotherapist UKCP reg., Lecturer and Supervisor. email: dariane@mac.com
Sue Kuhn is an accredited teacher of Gabrielle Roth Five RhythmsTM and a Psychotherapist UKCP reg., Trainer and Supervisor. email: sue.kuhn@virgin.net
Amaryllis Pye is an Artist and a Transpersonal Psychotherapist UKCP reg., Trainer and Supervisor. email: amaryllis@blueyonder.co.uk
All three facilitators have completed the BodySoul Leadership Programme
Feedback received for the workshop include:
“ What an amazing space you created for me last weekend! You, plus Sue and Amaryllis (not sure of the name) worked wonderfully together - all protective Demeter guiding me deeper into a freedom so seldom experienced in my normal day to day living. I thank you and salute you all for your knowledge, skills and care. With love and thanks.”
“ Thank you all for providing such a wonderful space for me on Saturday and Sunday. Having been to Workshop No.,2, I knew what to expect, but this was so much deeper for me, so very safe, loving and containing. I went places I have never been before, from which I am still emerging slowly but surely. But where I want to return to from time to time.”
“ I wish I could be with you as last workshop had given me a lot of support and fed my soul. Please do it again so I can have a second chance! Good luck for the workshop it is wonderful that you are keeping the flame going since our first workshop on Demeter. “
“ Thank you for the space (within and without) you have provided us with, to dip into the triple Goddess world with all its healing power. Thank you for the mirroring and the love. With my deep gratitude. ”
“ Thanks for the experience of the workshop. Thanks also for the opportunity to feedback. I felt that the workshop was enhanced by the addition of the Friday night as it allowed more time for the myth to permeate. I enjoyed all parts but will particularly remember the beautiful image of your triadic poem and the fairy lights on the Friday night. Dariane’s discussion of the myth was most helpful. What she said about the transformative cycle contained in the myth, life, death, transformation and rebirth was lovely. I feel that the entire universe operates on this principle/cycle and gives us evidence for the possibility of transformation in all that exists.
Sue’s presentation of the bodywork was very gentle and accessible, very non-threatening. It brought the myth into sharp focus for me. bodywork forces the never ending split between my psyche and soma into awareness and sharper focus.I loved the painting section of the workshop but wished it had been much longer – to allow more images to find shape. But also because it’s much easier than the bodywork. I liked the way that Ama left us to our own devices and was very unobtrusive. Anyway, as you might guess, the workshop affected me on many levels and moved me forward. Thanks again for your excellent facilitation and thanks for the opportunity to feed back. Hopefully I will see you all again – good wishes to you all. “
“ You all worked so hard, gave so much of yourselves which is amazing and for which I am very grateful. Finding words to describe what I feel is still impossible. Perhaps they will come in time and I will tell you then. For now, I send you my love and thanks ”