Jungian Analyst and Lecturer
The individuation process is at the centre of C.G. Jung’s psychology. It describes how we can relate to the field of possibilities. When we orient ourselves to the source of all potential, we begin to dialogue with a wider perspective which Jung calls the Self, the archetype of wholeness. This encompasses the wisdom that we carry in our bones, passed down by our culture, our ancestors, our tribe as well as the flow of our own nature.
Individuation is a journey that we undertake knowing that it actually never ends, because we are fluctuating beings, engaged, moment by moment, in the arduous task of conscious existence. As we become attuned to a deeper sense of who we are, we discover what is absolutely essential to us, what we cannot betray without causing deep injury to what we hold most sacred. This demands a
“fidelity to the law of one’s being”.
C.G Jung, CW 17, Para 295